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Configuration file

The config file is a YAML file with following attributes:

  1. grammar: (must be specified) Path to grammar file. Refer to grammar spec for more info grammar file
  2. string: (must be specified) The string to be parsed. The string must contain space separated tokens. For example, with expression grammar, string id + id is valid whereas id+id is not valid for yacv
  3. parsing-algo: (must be specified) Parsing algorithm to be used for parsing. The valid choices are [ll1, lr0, slr1, lr1, lalr1]
  4. vis-tree: (default False) Boolean which controls the visualization of the resultant syntaxtree. The syntaxtree will be exported to a PDF file if this option is set
  5. vis-automaton: (default False) Boolean which controls the visualization of LR automaton. Naturally this is valid only when parsing-algo is some LR parser. The automaton will be exported to a PDF file if this option is set
  6. parsing-table: (default False) Boolean which saves the parsing table to a .csv file. This can be useful for debugging a grammar which is not valid for a particular parsing algorithm. Parsing table exported by this option will have a list of actions to be performed at each entry. For a valid grammar and parsing algorithm, each list will contain at most one action or an error entry.
  7. vis-parsing: (default False) Boolean which controls the step-by-step visualization of parsing procedure. The animation is done via manim and a .mp4 file is exported
  8. manim-video-quality: (default 480p) Controls the quality of manim export. Valid choices are [480p, 720p, 1080p, 1440p, 2160p]

Optionally, you may specify custom colors that will be used for coloring productions in visualizations. This can be specified as a list attribute colors in the configuration file

When visualizing, color of production \(i\) (indexing based on the line number in the grammar file) is determined as \(color[i] = colors[i \mod len(colors)]\). Do note that the same color is used for syntax tree visualization as well as steo-by-step (manim) visualization. Default colors are specified in

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