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Grammar specification

yacv expects a context free grammar \(G = (V, T, P, S)\)


  • \(V\) : set of variable/non-terminal symbols
  • \(T\) : set of terminal symbols
  • \(P\) : list of productions
  • \(S\) : starting symbol

yacv expects a text file with list of productions. Each production \(A \rightarrow B\) such that \(A \in V\), \(B \in (V+T)^*\) should be written as :

A -> B

Important notes :

  • Each symbol in \(B\) must be separated by a whitespace
  • The grammar file is expected to contain only the list of productions
  • yacv will assume all the symbols that appear on the LHS of the production to be nonterminals
  • Any symbol that is not a nonterminal will be considered as a terminal
  • LHS of the very first production in grammar file will be assumed as starting symbol
  • To indicate \(\epsilon\), '' must be used. Therefore, production \(S \rightarrow \epsilon\) must be written as S -> ''
  • Symbol $ is reserved as an end of string and must not occur anywhere in the grammar file
  • Symbol S' is reserved for the augmented production [\(S' \rightarrow S\) $]. This augmented production is automatically added by the parser so you need not add it yourself
Example CFG CFG in yacv readable format
$$ S \rightarrow a S b \;|\; \epsilon $$
S -> a S b 
S -> ''
$$ \begin{aligned} STMT &\rightarrow \verb+if+ \; STMT \; \verb+else+ \; STMT \\ & |\; \verb+if+ \; STMT \;|\; a \;|\; b \;|\; c \;|\; d \end{aligned} $$
STMT -> if STMT else STMT
STMT -> a
STMT -> b
STMT -> c
STMT -> d
$$ \begin{aligned} E &\rightarrow E + T \;|\; E - T \;|\; T\\ T &\rightarrow T * F \;|\; T / F \;|\; F\\ F &\rightarrow ( E ) \;|\; id \end{aligned} $$
E -> E + T
E -> E - T
E -> T
T -> T * F
T -> T / F
T -> F
F -> ( E )
F -> id

Copyright © 2021 Ashutosh Sathe. Distributed by MIT license.